the ever-changing tide

i watch the waves crash at the shore
(the shore which is so relative to
the ever-changing tide)

it is low tide
small blue starfish and
light green, wiggling anemones and
pointy, purple urchins
hide in small pools
where we stumble upon them
and gaze in awe

the hours that pass go unnoticed,
exploring the colors and textures
of the salty ocean
until soon the growing tide chases
us out

there is a full moon rising
as the sun sets and
the sight of it
is such a testament
to the gravity which i have
witnessed today

the sun pulls
and the moon pulls
and there is darkness,
and of course, the light
that i always come back to

the ocean stretches
and the waves crash

the waters within me are not
immune to

the waters within me are not
immune to
the ever-changing tide

